Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy One Year Anniversary

Words can’t even express how happy I am to be with you. And how amazing it is just to call you mine. You’re my one and only, the beat to my heart, the missing piece to the puzzle of my life. I love you so much. I can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve done for me and how far we have come together. You still take my breath away and still give me those giddy butterflies in my tummy every time I see you and even when we are apart. We had so many problem that just trying to bring us down, on how we would never make it through to years. But look at us, we are stronger than ever. One year down, many many many more years to fulfill. Us moving toward our second year is about to be absolutely incredible. I just know it. Because at the end of the day no matter what happens, hand in hand, it’s you and I happily in love for a lifetime. Me and you conquer it all. We are diamond solid. Inseparable and unbreakable until the time can't be determined . I love you RERIN, always. It’s you and me against the world. and one importand thing is Allah behind Us and always blessing this relation. Amen. <3*

N.P.Z & M.R.P
MAY 20, 2012 <3
Happy One Year Anniversary RERIN.


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